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Describe why becoming bilingual can be complicated in children with atypical development (Down’s Syndrome)

The assignment basically revolves around the question Describe why becoming bilingual can be complicated in children with atypical development? The Atypical Development that this assignment will be focusing on are children who have DOWNS SYNDROME. The assignment would start by talking about the understanding of what the topic is, the introduction paragraph is basically going to be a road map of the entire essay. After that would come the literature review, in which the methods and theories would be explained that how children with downs syndrome become bilingual, also the literature review would talk about the theories regarding previous studies on bilingual children who have downs syndrome and what complications they face. After that would come the synthesis of the current theories that would be discussed in the literature review, they would be critically evaluated. After that would come the Clinical relevance that is very important in which it will be demonstrated that how the research can be applied to practice. Please have a look at the file that I have uploaded, It will tell you about the mark scheme and how to synthesize the assignment.