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Essay prompt will be in paper instructions before essay instructions.

Essay Prompt:
In the 75 years after the Constitution was written, different interpretations caused tensions in the new nation, particularly regarding federalism. The power struggle between states and the federal government eventually led to Civil War in 1861. What were the key Congressional actions and Supreme Court cases that fueled the conflict? Explain briefly the issues and constitutional principles involved in each. How were particular groups of people impacted by these federalism conflicts? Discuss one example of a federalism issue that is contentious today.

Essay instructions:
Write a well-crafted, 12 page essay (single-spaced, 12 point font) which answers the prompt below in your own words.
Extended quotations from course readings or other outside material is discouraged.
Essays must have proper grammar, spelling, and essay organization (introduction, body, conclusion) to receive full credit.
Do one last grammar and spell-check before submission.
Points will be deducted for not answering each part of the question, an unclear thesis in your introduction, lack of evidence and detail in your analysis, poor essay organization, and spelling and grammar errors.